01270 623023


We hope you enjoyed your recent visit to our beautiful day nursery. We are constantly evaluating our practises to improve our nursery further and would be grateful for your feedback by answering 3 simple questions for us. Even if you do not enrol with Parklands, we would greatly appreciate your views and feelings from your visit.

1. What are the 3 most important factors to you when deciding on a nursery place for your child? Please mark 3 below:

Indoor/outdoor areas and equipment:

General atmosphere within the nursery:

Pricing structure:

Specific sessions available:

Flexibility with sessions available:

Ofsted rating/report:

Friendliness of staff:

2. Based on your recent visit, would you recommend the nursery to a friend and why?



3. Following your recent visit, please suggest one thing that we should focus on in our ongoing self-improvement plans.
